Wednesday, January 2

I smell rabbit!

Christmas morning Dad, Sheldon, Preston, Doug and I went rabbit hunting! I had never done this before but we had a great time and even got a rabbit!

But in order to get the rabbit, Doug had to use his old hurdle skills...


CQAussie said...

nice leap Douglas! I was a bit tense when you took off but the landing was quite good =)

well done on catching ya-selves a rabbit =)

christmas looked like fun with the endels =) good to see =)

CQAussie said...

P.S. You're doing really well with the blog Chand =) 14 posts in 3 months last year! Can't wait for the rest of 2008!! Happy New Year you guys!

rihana said...

i just got tears watching doug hurdle that. has the rabbit head on prestons arm, and the body in sheldons hand it's that a little disturbing?